David contributes to "Chemistry counts" -part of Newable's series on EIS investing - and reflects on the importance of good relationships between entrepreneurs and investors.
Alice Gast, President of Imperial College London, writes to the FT calling for a focus on the funding gap identified by New Atlantis Ventures:
Universities like Imperial transfer discoveries for the benefit of society. Maximising the number of investor-led spinouts is not the most effective way to do this; it must be combined with partnerships with established companies and SMEs, so that ideas are put to work faster and further, scaling to a global reach, as we have seen recently with vaccines. We need a laser focus on funding gaps. One that gets less attention is the proof of concept pre-start-up stage, especially for deep technologies. Far-sighted investors would be wise to explore how they can help academic researchers bridge this gap. Not all universities will need a “nudge” to create supportive innovation ecosystems. Some governments and investors could do with one.
David Ford contributed to this new research project on building effective Scale Up Boards by Horizon37.
New Atlantis Ventures portfolio company BoobyBiome recently participated in PULSE: (the Programme for Up and coming Life Sciences Entrepreneurs) at the Francis Crick Institute.
Director and Co-Founder Sioned Fôn Jones describes their experience in this new blog
UCLB Spinout Somaserve launches and announces angel funding round, led by David Ford
"Reflections on my first year as an angel"
Podcast interview with Syndicate Room